We are so happy and excited that a private lubricant manufacturing company in Turkmenistan

which we started to establish in 2020 that will start up in January 2023. Even though we are a new company, we have completed research and development (R&D) of products conforming to related international standards (API, DIN, GOST, etc.) and national standard Türkmenstandartlary (TDS) with our latest technology laboratory instruments and experienced staff. We started to produce 6 ranges and 25 types of lubricants under the registered brand name SIR ÝAG for serving clients’ demands. About our factory, we have 80 tons a day and 20000 tons a year production capacity established on a total area of 30000m² in the Lebap province of Turkmenistan.

We started to produce 6 range and 25 types lubrcants under the regstered brand name IR ÝAG for servng clents demands. About our factory, we have 80 tons a day and 20000 tons a year producton capacty establshed on a total area of 30000m2 n the Lebap provnce of Turkmenstan.

We have a raw materal stock capacty over 1000 m3 and product storage capacty more than 300 tons. We are able to produce and ll 1lt, 5lt and 20 lt plastcs and 180 kg drums wth latest technology producton and automaton equpments.

Our targets; to mnmze the foregn dependency of our home country Turkmenstan n lubrcants sector by producng hgh qualty products conformng nternatonal standards, and am to make a nternatonally wellknown, pre ered and relable Turkmen lubrcant brand.

All manufactured products are analyzed metculously n our laboratory, prmarly conformty analyzes of Turkmen State standards (TDS) and nternatonal standards such as ASTM and DIN, and after meetng the standards, the products are lled. In ths drecton, our prmary goal s to try to meet customer satsfacton, expectatons and the demands of the market, whle o erng the best qualty and economcal products. It s one of our mportant dutes to show that we stand by our customers both techncally and as ther partners.

Thanks to the R&D studes we have done for each of our products, we have developed our products n a way that both ful lls the crtera of the relevant nternatonal standards and ensures that the products perform at the hghest level n the most d cult condtons of the geographcal regon we are n. We wll contnue to develop

Our Vision

To work contnuously to ncrease qualty products, best prces and customer satsfacton, to develop and produce nnovatve and always hgher qualty products n order to ncrease brand value, to provde servces to customers wth d erent products n more elds and sectors by drectng R&D studes n lne wth the market and demand

Our Mission

To work contnuously n order to mnmze the foregn dependency of our sector on our country's economy, to develop product dversty by dong R&D, to make envronmentally frendly producton, to struggle for the development of ths sector n our country, to make t an nternatonally known brand that makes a d erence n the sector and to leave t to future generatons.

Productiob and Qualtiy

Producton qualty control and llng are carred out wth the state-of-the-art equpment avalable n our faclty. Our laboratory has state-of-the-art analyss devces that meet the nternatonal spec catons requred by the ndustry. In addton, we have devces and equpment and techncal knowledge that can perform used ol analyzes accordng to relevant nternatonal test methods to ensure and solve customer complants.